Monday, April 12, 2010

are there any great fps psp game

what would u guys say is a rlly good psp game beacuase i hav had a psp since marach 05 and i havnt ever rlly got into it that much i mean gta took me 2 days to beat does it hav ne good fps shooters out or ne good multiplayer games or i would love if there was some good fps shooters with good online i hav a ps3 also i want something that plays as good as resistance and hopeful has that god of online i dont care that much about looks i just done want it to look like a ps2 game in 1999are there any great fps psp game
First of all dont double topic ever a good one is MoH Heroes are there any great fps psp game
Coded Arms Contagion is great IMO, and MoH Heroes 2 is coming out in like a week and it should be good (has 32-person online multiplayer).
Coded Arms Contagion is great IMO, and MoH Heroes 2 is coming out in like a week and it should be good (has 32-person online multiplayer).
there are some cool fps games on the PSP Moh: H and coded arms contagion, but there are better 3rd person shooters like Syphon Filter, Metalgear Solid, Socom, Starwars Battlefront-RS and all come with online play.
I personally like Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, also I was playing Socom Navy Seals Fire Team Bravo (something like that) for a while this weekend. I guess it was okay, the controls were too easy, and on multiplayer it was basically whoever shot first would win. Cause there was one good gun and everyone has it. They just hide, sneak up on people, then just shoot them and then by the time you turn around to shoot them your dead. It was really bad, but the campaign was alright. I personally recommend Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror. I liked the campaign and the multiplayer was awesome, I really enjoyed playing it online.
the only FPSs on psp are Medal of Honor Heroes and Coded Arms, I don't like MOH soCoded Arms and Coded Arms Contagion
i dont play fps. :)
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Honestly, PSP isn't the best system for FPS, so I recommend not to play any.. Although if you still want too I strongly recommend MOH Heroes, it's prolly the best one out there next to Call of Duty.

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