Wednesday, April 14, 2010

PSP newbie help

i just got a PSP for christmas and i want to know if there are free downloads and if so where? and i want to know how to connect to the internetPSP newbie help
Free downloads such as...?PSP newbie help
you know like music, videos, and demos are there any? and i want to know how to connect to the internet
All the demos are at the playstation store,to get online you turn on the wlan on top of the psp.but you would have to pickup some type of wireless connection
Well you first need a wireless router... Kinda like your modem but you can plug more stuff at the back and usually you have some sort of antenna.. After you have that hocked up right go in system settings and go to network settings.. Have it scan for a network and it should connect fine.... You need like firmware 5.02 to have the psnnetwork on your psp so update your psp right away then delete when it tells you, you can.. And thats about it
You would need to connect to a wireless router and make sure that its all set up with the computer administrator aswell. You probably could find a site but that will most likely give you viruses. One way is to use the official website to dowload demo games or get songs from windows media player and your pictures stored into your computer and to transfer them onto your psp device. YOu will have to connect via usb cord but you will have to buy one unless yiu have one that fits. And simply dropping and draggin the files that you want into the music, pictures, games files etc. That should help otherwise you have to go but them. Merry Christmas
nother question i got a PSP usb connector to transfer stuff, is there any way i could transfer a vid from gamespot? and still wondoring about free downloads
If you want to put a gamespot video onto your PSP you'll need to have a memory stick and you'll need to convert the video you downloaded from gamespot into MP4 format.

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